I am a ninth-year maths teacher at Wā Ora Montessori School in Naenae, New Zealand. I developed these resources (and collated others' resources) with my students in mind but any students or teachers are welcome to use and distribute them according to either the creative commons license at the bottom of the page for my resources or the relevant license for others' resources. Resources that belong to others are always linked to the original source and the author's website if applicable. I can be contacted at david@waora.school.nz, say hi.
I've appreciated all the help I've had as a beginning teacher in a small school especially when the help has been free or has saved me having to buy resources. And resources can be expensive! I am particularly grateful to several people who have made excellent resources available online for free. I name these people in the acknowledgements below.
In turn, I wanted to make my resources easily accessible by my students and their parents as well for other students and teachers around New Zealand so I made this website and chose to publish under a creative commons license rather than a copyright license. I wanted a license that would allow people to use either the whole or parts of my resources freely, hence derivatives are allowed. However, I didn't want the resources to be sold, even as part of a derivative work, so the license is also non-commercial, share-alike.
A few people have made fantastic resources available for free which I have used often. A large part of my job has been made much easier by these people. I am incredibly grateful. They are: